Well I have to say that 2010 has been one crazy year so far. I've spent most of my time filling out numerous scholarship applications, taking weekend trips to different college campuses, worrying about interviews, getting ready for baseball season, trying to finish a yearbook that's way behind deadline, trying to keep peace on a cheerleading squad (this is nearly impossible), and going to Christian's basketball games on the weekends. It's been exhausting and exciting, but also sad in a way. I know that this time next year I'll be a full time college student. And that's a scary thought! How am I going to make it through a day without seeing my family? Will I be able to figure out how to do my laundry? Who the heck will my roomate be? And will we get along? And when I think about all the friends I'm going to get out of touch with and all the little things I'm going to miss, I can't help but feel a tinge of saddness. But, I know that things will work out the way they are supposed to. The anticipation is killing me! And then again, I don't want this year to be over just yet. It's been a crazy mix of emotions but I'm sure everyone is going through the same thing. In the mean time, I'm enjoying all of the steps it takes to get there. Well, parts of it anyways. L
ike the weekend roadtrips with my family and the GPS that always seems to take us the long way. It doesn't matter though, Dad usually already has a different route mapped out. So for right now, I'm going to keep making this the best year it can be. There's still proms, financial aid letters and my senior project to look forward to before graduation. I can't wait!
9 years ago